Open Studios at Künstlerhaus Dortmund – have a look!
Nomination CityArtist 2021
Excited to share my nomination as NRW CityArtist 2021.
Final decision to be announced on October 10th
at Van der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal – fingers crossed!
Goethe-Institut Hanoi group exhibition
Mãn Nhãn / Voyeuristic
Group exhibition with David Menner, David Schikora, Malte Sänger and Jens Sundheim
Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Vietnam
May 22nd – June 15th, 2021
All Tomorrow’s Parties – curated group show
All Tomorrow’s Parties
Group show at Künstlerhaus Dortmund including works by Thaddé Comar, Constantin Grolig, Lois Hechenblaikner, Sabine Springer, Julia Steinigeweg and Miron Zownir
Curated by Pit Schmieder and Jens Sundheim
Part of f² Fotofestival
All Tomorrow’s Parties
Künstlerhaus Dortmund
June 19 – July 25th
Curator-guided tours on June 20th, June 27th and July 25th
more information
Lódz Fotofestiwal screening
Selected photographs from Poland are part of
»Przy okazji / By the way« exhibition by Galeria Czynna
shown as part of Lódz Fotofestiwal 2021
at OFF Piotrkowska Center
Friday, June 11 22h
f² Fotofestival presentation
As part of f² Fotofestival, we present selected amateur photography at Café Aufbruch in Dortmund-Hörde. Supported by Stadtbezirksmarketing Dortmund and DSW21 #dortMUT.
Curated by Peter Lutz and Jens Sundheim.
Eisen im Feuer
Amateur and everyday photography from Hörde
June 25th 20–23h / June 26th + 27th 18–23h